Cosmo Breast Gel

Cosmo Breast Gel

For Breast Toning Effect, Firmness & Attractiveness with Pueraria Mirifica

Fresh gel formula for breast daily care, ensures  deeper penetration of active principles, without oiliness. According to the tests carried out on the active component, the results of subjective evaluation show an improvement in breast toning, size and firmness as well as in softness, hydration and smoothness.

The formula contains 5%  Puerifica ™ , natural Pueraria mirifica extract from root, rich in Puerarin, Dexymiroestrol, Miroestrol which synergistically support anti-aging process, as a  skin moisturizer, useful to improve the aspect of breast & enhancement. Pueraria Puerifica™ is Halal approved

How to Use: Apply a small amount onto the fingertips and gently massage in a circular upward motions to the breasts. for 5 – 10 minutes until the cream is fully absorbed. Use twice daily for a maximum efficiency. External use.



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